I met Jackie and Matt back in June-ish (forgive my memory--it's late people). They are a lovely, sweet couple. She has a beautifully infectious giggle, and Matt would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. We met to discuss packages, and while Jackie and Matt were trying to decide on an engagment session, a little light bulb went off in my head. You see Jackie is from down yonder by us, and Matt is from central IL. While their roots are very much in the country, they met in Chicago. They live in Chicago. Chicago is the backdrop for their relationship and the story of them. So while I was relatively bored in June the light bulb went off: WE NEED TO GO TO CHICAGO!! I sent a message (using probably too many smiley faces and capital letters) and they agreed! We scheduled a mini engagement here in the country, and Sunday Nov 8th we were heading to Chicago! WAHOO!!
Fast forward to Novemeber, and I am neck deep in weddings wondering what on God's green Earth was I thinking?? Not only did we have to leave right after a wedding to drive to Chicago, I scheduled their session on Lake Michigan at 7am. Oh yeah, brilliant--I am not. I some how convinced Courtney this was an excellent idea (I am really persuasive) and off we went, caffine in hand. Somethings I am thankful for: My incredible curiousity, my seemingly never ending supply of energy and Starbucks for when that supply of energy finally dwindles because WHO DRIVES TO CHICAGO AT 9PM?? Anyhoo...
SO GLAD that we did their session here!!
Matt and Jackie, You two are not only adorable, you are generous, caring and welcoming. Being around you is like meeting up with old friends you haven't seen in ages! I truly loved hearing stories of your relationship, and I hope I was able to capture those stories for you! Thank you again so much for choosing me to photograph your love story! July can not get here soon enough!
Enough of my rambling already!! Here are your engagement pictures! :) ENJOY!
Perfect examples of why I love these two!
This is the EXACT spot Matt proposed!
The city and Lincoln Park Zoo... just perfect.
This is the EXACT tree he used as a distraction while he removed the ring from his pocket.
Walking down memory lane back to Jackie's old building.
Memories came rushing back
Including the fiasco that was almost not a second date. It involves one scruffy boy and some alcohol...
Thankfully, she went on that date.
Matt had a coffee cup that was given to him by his friends mom who is the art teacher at their high school. This is MATT's cup and is off limits to Jackie. She persisted that she would also like a nice coffee cup like Matt's so his friends mom made her one too.
Her's is bigger. ;)
So happy to be your photographer! Thanks again you crazy love birds. ;)
Until July,
WAIT!! One more just for fun!! heheheh OMG! Jackie! this cracks me up! ;P
Dec 2, 2015, 10:53:04 PM
Jackie - Thank you, Jill! For better or worse, this is definitely us! Thank you sooooo much! Can't wait to meet up in July!